
Saturday, March 9, 2013

No one is un-important

"Who's she?"

"Nobody important."

"Nobody important? Blimey, that's amazing. You know that in nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before."

 Yet again this goes back to Doctor Who. If there's one thing that show has taught me, its that no-one is unimportant. Everybody has a part to play. When I think about this idea, I immediately think about the people who have been killed, specifically aborted babies, about what they might have done. Sadly, at this very moment, there is probably a baby being aborted right now. But what if the baby was supposed to do something great, like grow up to greatly improve space travel, or make a major breakthrough in the struggle against cancer? Or what if it would do something less noticeable, but equally as important? What if, in 15 or 16 years, that child would have ended up befriending that one outcast girl at school who would have otherwise gone home that night to commit suicide? Or inspire one of its friends to become something great, a friend who previously thought they couldnt do anything worthwhile? But its not just aborted babies. I think everyone impacts some one or something in some way shape or form. When the Berlin wall was torn down, there was a quote found on it. It read something  like "Many little people doing many little things in many little places can change the world" The littlest thing you do could make a huge difference, even if you never knew it. So be careful what you do. Everyone is important. This is the kind of stuff I think about when I'm supposed to be doing History :P

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