
Saturday, March 2, 2013

what we do on fridays

So on Friday after co-op me and some friends went to a park. And we took lots of pictures ^_^
                               We found a Christmas ornament in a stream.....O.o

 Us taking a little break from walking....for no reason really. The awesome dude is Joseph, the cool looking chic in black is Cassia, and the pretty one in green  is Tabitha. :)

      Im sorry Cassia, but my first thought when i see this is "Flower gleam and glow....."

                                              A really cool tree. That is all.

           This one is actually one of the best. Joseph and some cute little purple berries of some kind.

We found some lovely animal death, as Nathan called it. A bunch of little grey and white feathers from some bird scattered all over the place.(The feathers, not the bird.)
             Tabitha being fabulous. ;D (I dont know why this one is in black and white)
                               Berries and sun ^_^
                                Berries and shadow O.o
       And finally, a bench dedicated to some dead person. As Cassia said "Why would you dedicate a bench to someone? its like 'Oh, you got a statue up in your memory? Well I got a bench. A BENCH. Yeah, thats right. People put their butts on it. Beat that sucka. SWAG.'"

   All in all a great day. So now,  since yesterday was somewhat busy, Im relaxing with a cup of mint tea, chocolate chip cookies, and the Mystery of Edwin Drood by Charles Dickens :)


  1. Replies
    1. Nothin fancy, just a Samsung 5x digital camera..i dont know the specific name, thats just what it says on it :)

  2. hey girl! love your blog, love you see ya soon hopefully! XOXO-Courtney
